Sunday, January 30, 2005

Aceh Trip-devastation

The devastation is 25km++ inland-ward (satellite photos). Kalau terjadi di ancol, sampai mana, silahkan tebak.

Thanks for Mas Agus Pambagio for his intensive (almost brotherlike assistance) guidance while we were all there. Terima kasih banyak Mas!

Poetically, Allah had allowed the black water from hell to wash inland, for a reason He only Knows.

This is an extraordinary disaster of a biblical proportion that needs an extraordinary disaster management.

We just cannot cope to do it alone. Manpower, equipment, system/ methodology, money.

What these bulldozers and excavators from BUMN and swasta are doing is just clearing the debris to make way for roads only. Not enough.

The 1000 military cadets sent there will be a waste, if no equipment given to them, since they only use hands (okol, bukan akal).

The devastation will make the coastal land inhabitable for 15-to years (7 km coastal width).

(Tommy Tamtomo)


At January 30, 2005 at 10:12 AM, Blogger sriset said...

Ass. wr. wb.

A harrowing and highly spiritual journey..... One that I trust, will change a person forever... And the fact that not only mosques, but churches and kelentengs (if I'm not mistaken) stood their ground, intact, not even a single drop of water having touched them, seems to me a very strong message from the Divine to all survivors and all of mankind...

We look forward then to the reshaping of our movement of Al Izhar Cinta Acheh (I think we might as well adjust to how the Achehnese call themselves!) in line with the continued recovery and rehabilitation efforts that is now already underway by various parties. Guidance and inputs from Tommy and Denny on their return from Acheh would be highly appreciated, including continued inputs from fellow parents that have been on the ground: Tami/Emil Arifin, Emmy Hafild and her team, Okke Rajasa, Agus Pambagio, Imam Prasodjo, Kia Setiawan, Widjanarko Hastario, and all of you who have not been mentioned but have been in continued touch with Al Izhar Cinta Acheh's network.

I trust that for those who serve, we are not alone in serving....

Srisetiowati Seiful
Coordinator for Al Izhar Cinta Acheh
Mobile: +62- 811 822 050
email: ;

Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve.
You don't have to have a college degree to serve.
You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by love.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

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