Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Berita dari Ibrahim Champion di Aceh

reported by Sri Seiful

Yesterday's conversation with Ibrahim: he says in general that things are moving, the crisis is being handled as best as everyone can, the government has started moving, albeit trucks/transportation and solar have become problems in Medan after the government emptied the warehouses in Medan and took them with ALL the available trucks in Medan.

He is more concerned with getting the children back to school, thus funds would be much more appreciated. If we would like that to become a program together with Al Izhar in the future, I could talk to him and have Rotary Langkat set up an ongoing scholarship fund for that, as Rotary has a "Help the Children, Help the Schools and Help the Villages" ongoing program District-wide since the economic crisis of 1997. Thus he would like to be able to raise CASH FUNDS to help these children.

Bapak Ibrahim Champion adalah anggota Rotary Langkat. Beliau adalah contact person Al Izhar Cinta Aceh. untuk relief worker yang dikoordinasikan antara Rotary Langkat dan Aceh Sepakat. Rotary Langkat dan Aceh Sepakat adalah mitra Al Izhar Cinta Aceh. Bantuan Al Izhar didistribusikan melalui jaringan Aceh Sepakat.
Aceh Sepakat, yang telah berusia 36 tahun, adalah organisasi nirlaba yang beranggotakan 750.000 orang aceh di dalam dan luar negeri. Aceh Sepakat memiliki madrasah, sekolah, rumah sakit, panti asuhan, di seluruh aceh.


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